Q1. How many days does it take to ship?
For the whole world, we can provide delivery. we come from China. Delivery cycle ranges from 7-20 days.
Q2. Don’t you like it?
can. We support 15 days return and exchange. After receiving the watch, please confirm and wear it. We cannot replace or return the worn watch.
Q3. Do I need to pay customs fees?
No, we have special channels that can be delivered to your doorstep.
Q4. How can I guarantee that I can receive the watch after paying?
We support credit card payment. Logistics query information is also provided after delivery. When you have any questions, the bank will also carry out an order check. You are not alone. As long as the logistics information is signed, we can get the money from your bank.
Q5. Is my information safe?
Yes, we attach great importance to the issue of personal information security. Your credit card information was debited at the bank. We do not record your information, ssl encrypted transmission guarantees that it will not be obtained by hackers. If you are still worried about your information being leaked, we support encryption or payment or Western Union payment.
Q6. What to do if the quality is not satisfied?
Our watch is the best quality version on the market.
After you receive the watch, if you feel that the quality is not good, we can refund you.